Let's Talk Phone Therapy!
Sherell Hebert, LPC
As a therapist who overcame anxiety, I know how uncomfortable it can be to discuss personal things with someone with whom you have never met. I did not have the courage to go to counseling until I was actually in grad school earning my degree in mental health counseling, and even then it took a few attempts before I actually went. My experience prompted me to create a space for people who want therapy, but just don't quite feel comfortable yet with in person therapy. Read more about me, my areas of specializations , my theoretical orientation and the states in which I am licensed.
Phone Therapy is perfect for people who have anxiety or others who feel uncomfortable with discussing a particular issue.
While phone therapy is perfect for people who have anxiety or who just feel uncomfortable with discussing a sensitive or difficult issue, it is a good fit for people with other concerns such as stress, or mild to moderate depression. Phone therapy is also good for busy people who do not have time to drive to a session, but do have the time to devote to a phone session.
Even though we will not be meeting face to face, I will still need to verify that you are who you say you are (regardless if you are using insurance or not) because as a licensed clinician, I am mandated to do so by the licensing boards in the states in which I practice.
Once you click the link to schedule with me, you will be directed to my Calendly scheduling page because my phone appointments do not appear on my regular calendar. After you schedule, go to my secure HIPAA compliant portal. Please complete the profile and bio in its' entirety including uploading a copy of your legal identification, your insurance card (if you are using insurance) and sign the standard consent forms. All communication, with the exception of appointments, are done in the secure portal, so I will message you in the portal to provide you with benefit details.
Phone therapy appointments require your undivided attention. We can not have a session while you are driving.
Phone Therapy Appointments
Phone Therapy sessions are covered by practically all behavioral health plans. Click here to see the insurance companies I work with and the rates without insurance.
Phone therapy appointments are not for emergency situations. If you are in a crisis situation, please call the suicide prevention hotline at 988, go to the ER of the nearest hospital, or call 911.
I do understand that there are times when a person needs to talk to someone as soon as possible because perhaps something has just happened, or something troubling has just happened and they really need to process that event. If this is your situation, I will do my best to create a time for you. Phone therapy, however, is not meant to address crisis situations. If you are experiencing a crisis situation, please call 988, go to the ER of the nearest hospital, or call 911.